Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What's the point of life?

I know everyone says I am so young being only 14 and all, but i don't get what the point of life is anymore . Life sucks I am stressed out all the time and depressed .I know I have made some bad decisions (cutting and eating disorder ) but that's because that's all I have to do in life . I have no life and no one likes me . My parents are hurting because I am hurting which really sucks . All I want to do is cut . My only friends are my therapist and doctors . I know that I don't have the worst life considering that I have two parents that love me but do you guys hallucinate , have to take drugs that change you for the worse and make you lose everyone you love , have bipolar disorder at 14 , have an addiction to self harming that you can't stop , and an eating disorder . I am not fishing for complements all I am asking is why is life so damn hard ?

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