Saturday, August 6, 2011

How to approach my mom about this..?

So ur sister does eraser burns? and u do to? but u wanna show ur mom that u do or ur sister does. I suppose its u. well my best bet is to stop doing that alltogether. Don't show ur mom, but stop doing it. There is no reason to do that at all. when i was 10 through 14 i was always bullied verbally. when i was 14 i was bullied phisically, because i went to Texas. I just bottled up my anger and weight lifted. And i weight lifted. It gets out alot of anger. I figured that i would go into self tought martial arts by the time i was 15 and in texas, one guy thought i would submit, and i kicked his ***. No one bullies a guy with a reputation. U should probly not talk to the guys who bully you at all. People think it doesn't work but it helps alot if ur reguarded as the silent tough type. however, if ur not into the tough guy mood, just fall back into video games. Take out ur anger by killing people in Black ops. Also I realized that I acted like bs sometimes so i figured if i never responded to anything not said to me directly, then no one would think of me as an asshole and it worked.

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