Tuesday, August 9, 2011

When it is okay to shed this mortal coil?

First off I know I am going to get a lot of "don't do it" "Jesus loves you and so do I", "National suicide prevention line is 1-800-xxxxxxx", and what not. These answers will be disregarded. Here is my background. I served in the military about 10 years ago. I injured both my knees and shoulders. I had 1 surgery already to stabilize my shoulder with no success. My VA doctors have all said the same thing. The only thing I can do is have 2 new shoulder joints and 2 new knee joints or to live with the pain. Due to the deterioration of the bones around the joints, the multiple surgeries have a high likelihood of failure to the point of the doctors saying I am not a good candidate for the operations. I am therefore I am living in constant pain. I wake up at all hours of the night and haven't slept more than 4 or 5 hours for more than 5 years. I am currently on oxycodone, tramadol and temazepam for my pain along with tylenol and ice bags to help with the swelling. I have several doctors and orthopedic doctors saying I cannot work or even attend classes at a college. I have a permanent handicapped placard. I walk with 2 full knee braces and 2 full crutch/canes. Even so, in the VA's vast wisdom, I am only rated at 50% and currently live on just $775 per month. $775 to pay rent, utilities, and buy food for the rest of my life. I have appealed their decision 3 times to no avail. I have no family anymore (due to deaths). Due to my limited mobility and isolated lifestyle, I have no friends. I have no kids or animals to worry about. I spent most of my time resting on a couch in a sort of sitting/lying position as in my bed I hurt too much to even lie down completely. I rarely leave my apartment longer than to check my mail. When I am feeling well enough to go anywhere, I usually donate plasma to earn enough money to buy food. There are months that I have to visit a local food bank just to survive (though the street value of my medication is over $3000 per month- and no I will not sell it). I am forced into the reality that no matter what I do, I am going to be homeless soon as I can no longer afford my apartment. I am tired of the constant pain from my injuries and the reality of soon being homeless. My question is this: Would now be the time to start thinking of going out on my own terms and ending my life? I know most of the answers are going to be that I would be being selfish. What is so selfish about not wanting to be in pain, homeless and hungry? I'm not leaving anyone behind that would care anyways. I am just so tired of living in constant pain and the fear of soon becoming homeless. This is not to mention all the creditors that call because I lived a short while on credit cards (and no- I don't have the money to file for bankruptcy). Again I welcome your answers but don't try and tell me God and Jesus are going to save me or that I need to give it more time. I have given up hope on that a while ago.

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