Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Despretly need advice please read and answer if you can?

hello I am 30 years old in 2005 I gave birth to frist child a girl weighing 9lbs19oz I was induced as I was a week past my due date when I dialated to a ten I was told to push this went on for 5 hours at one point I told the nurse who was helping me I could not push anymore as I was physicaly exhausted(it took 30 hours for me to reach a 10 and I never slept yhat whole time pluse I was up the night before antiapation the birth of my first child) The nurse said I agree with you i will go and get the dr .the dr was not my regular ob she was on vacation which i wasnt very happy withSo the dr comes in and said really lould and rude "the baby is right there you need to push"!even my husband mom and mother inlaw thaught it was rude.buts thats not all she took a look and said the baby is facing up and needs to be turned so she suggested i get up on all fours to encourage to baby to move I refused and she left the room then the nurse came in with a bar and told me to put my legs up on it I agreed and there I was legs up and in terrable pain my legs were killing me I said get my legs down now so the dr comes back and said "your being uncoportive and slowing dow progression" I damambed a c section and she said we wernt to that point yet the baby can still be delivered.they too the bar away and the dr came back took out forceptd she never told me she was doing this and starting pulling the baby out I said what is she doing the nurse said she is turning the baby with forcepts I yelled no I dont want that!Te dr pulled with such force I was pulled down on the bed she was born and the dr said there was no other option as she was big and mispositioned to come out the birth canal I couldnt bond with the baby because I seffed severe tearing and needed repared I tried to get passed what happened and enjoy my experence then my family comes in I see there upset I find out my baby is getting x rays to chack for skull fractures the peditrition cam in and said she had a frauture and was needing to be in nicu .I took a look at my baby and was horrifyed her head was swelled with bruses.I asked the hosptiol staff why i didnt get a csection no one gave me any real answers waited the next to weeks to take her home pluse we didnt know if she had brain damage now she is five as result from the forcepts she has impared vision and two dents in her head the pedi said it was most likly a result from forcepts improproply postioned on the head.As for my self(which I hve to say I am way more upset about my daughter then my self i would have undergone ANYTHING if it meant she was spared any harm) I have incontince and sexual disfunction.I want to know if I have a case and if I was treated fairly

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