Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What would you make of this text?

Okay so this guy I text and talk to a lot almost every night texted me this. "Sorry, I can't go on chat or text tonight. I'm wayy too tired. Sorry. I'll text you tomorrow if I get some free time. xxxxxxx" I don't know if the amount of "x's" he used means he likes me. He keeps increasing the amount he uses every couple of days. I haven't replied to this text which was sent last night and I'm trying to play it cool with him and leave it up to him to contact me again. I don't know if I am angry with him or not, I just don't know where things are going with him and if he likes me or not. Before we were asking each other questions and I asked what makes him happiest and he said "talking to you :)". But as I say he started adding and x at the end of texts and stuff. And he keeps on adding more. Should I just not text him or anything for a while and wait to see what he does. Or and also I have to see him every week cause he helps along side me at a cub scout pack. He drives me crazy and I want to talk to him as much as possible but I think it'd be better to distance myself and wait for him cause I don't know if he actually likes me that much even though he uses 7 "x's" now.... Ughh I hate boys. :(

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