Friday, August 12, 2011

How can I tell my teacher i'm in love with them ? x?

I don't want any comments like: Don't tell them or it will all end badly, I know my teacher - I know she (yes we are both girls) wont tell anyone because I tell her everything that goes on in my life and she helps me through A LOT but I feel like I need to tell her this I just don't know how. Please comment below how I can tell her please also I don't want any thing to happen between us (well I do I just know it's not going to happen !) I just want her to know how I feel about her xxxxxxx

Will this stop me getting past the army medicals?

if theres any overdose in the US its an automatic DQ non-waiverable. i know if i were anyone in the british army i wouldnt want someone like you in my platoon knowing you used to cut and OD. your interviewer also probably wont buy that story. it may sound to a civy ok, but in the military its not gonna fly. and also that lost part is irrevelant and they will not care. 3 years means 3 years. the second you step foot in the office the clock starts and it resets every time you walk in. id rethink a career choice if i were you.

Nose piercing - How long to wait until wearing sterling silver nose studs?

i would give it a a few weeks about a month or so to heal lil bit then change it or go to the place u had it done to help u change it if u have trouble

Am I a conservative or a liberal?

Libertarian... on pretty much every subject, except maybe prayer in school but i think libertarians go back and forth on that.

Can i watch 90's tv shows anywhere?

You could try Hulu but they might not have those specific titles. iTunes has a price. You could also try youtube they have several old tv shows in parts.

English baccalaurate?

hiya !!!! doing my homework on english baccalaurate do you agree with this system ??? please give me something to write about xxxxxxx

Please review my resume?

Resume looks alright expect some grammers. Just make sure to copy it on word document and fix the error which is underlined in red and you should be okay. Also there is different resume for certain jobs depending on the ones you want to apply. Here is a helpful website where there is a bunch of sample resumes for different types of jobs. a href="" rel="nofollow"

English baccalaurate?

hiya !!!! doing my homework on english baccalaurate do you agree with this system ??? please give me something to write about xxxxxxx

What is error 219 in Wordpress site?

That's not an Error 219: that's an error on line 219 of that plugin you used. Since WordPress isn't listing it in its current plugin list, I suspect it's not supported by current versions of WP.

Question about Pretty Little Liars? Don't read unless you know, or want to know, who killed Ali.?

umm..... well i didnt know ian was also a. i know mona was, but i dont think ian was ever a, you may be mistaken. and ian is involved because him and ali were having an affair before she died so they think he might have killed her, and they also found that video of ian and ali together the night she died. so ian is kinda a big part. and melissa is his wife so she is part of it, but only through ian. and spencer and melissa dont get along because spencer ruined melissas first fiance, wren. melissa walked in on spencer and wren kissing and got really hurt. and then melissa finds out that spencer also kissed ian when he was with melissa. so thats why they dont get along. we dont know what jenna is doing with the cop yet. thats all i can think to tell you. but you asked alot of questions that cannot be answered yet. questions that arent sposed to be answered yet. everything will come together in time.

How to find out the age of the turtle?

am getting too curious to know many things about my turtles...also i saw them fighting today (for first tme they wer making some noise ) so also worried that the bigger turtle does not cause harm to the smaller one...what should i do??

Why are there are still fleas on my cats after using frontline?

I applied frontline to my cats three days ago. However, when I comb them I find a few fleas on them. These fleas are very active and don't even seem to be harmed by the frontline. Why is this and what can I do?

I am writhing a letter regarding work shadowing please can you check if this is alright?

The common term is "Job Shadow" and such things are normally arranged by the school as only certain employers are willing to co-operate

How would you react if you Boyfriends mom was a ***** towards you?

Hey there! My brother got married recently and my mom said it was like losing her baby boy. I think she felt replaced. I guess I would try to stay calm and treat her with respect and maybe try a fresh start. I also think being rude will not help the situation. Put yourself in her shoes and see what you come up with.

Heartbroken songsssss!! PLEEAAASEEEE!?

well basically me and my boyfriend broke up, 8 months ago now, and i still love him to pieces, and ive tried to stop and i cant....and i dont know if he feels the same way, so i just keep waiting thinking somethings gunna happen when i sorta know it wont.... any suggestions on NEWISH songs about not being able to get over someone, or missing the times we had or anything? pleaaaase!! xxxxxxx

How to dye porous hair without it going black. Pleeease help?

Using box dyes is BAD for your hair. You should be going to sallys and picking up a color and a developer, its much better for your hair because your not putting a million chemicals in your hair, as well as if you going to go a light reddish brown, don't leave the dye in for to long or it will go dark quick because theres no color in your hair. Good luck and I hope you learn your lesson and stop using box dyes.

What makes you stop reading a book?

last time, it was because the author gave away so much of the plot in the first few pages, that i already knew the whole story. terrible writing, keep em guessing!!

Are perms bad for you?

I was just wondering because I was thinking about getting a perm soon, and I was wondering if the chemicals in the perm effect your health. I mean I understand that any chemical is going to have at least a little harm on your body but I was just wondering if I would be prone to any diseases or anything like medical conditions that you can get. I'm a worrywart and I just really want to know. And why is it not advised for pregnant ladies to get perms? Thank you.

I just found out I'm pregnant today.........?

And I have been taking tylenol 3 with codone and tramadol for pain the dr prescribed me!!! Could that harm my baby???

Paternity test and don't know who's the father of my son?

Well to be short story . I had a sex with a guy 2times but I ended.we just were together in sep and oct of 2010.then in nov I went back with my real fianc� or to be honest I cheat on him, but then on nov 15 I had my period normal. Then after that I didn't get my period until dec 30 took a preg test and it came positive now iam 6 mnths pregnant but Iam unsure who's the daddy iam very confused cause if it were my ex boyfriend than I will be more than 6 months but i only have 6 months and will give birth on sep 16 ,,,,help someone who has been through this I mean Ian not perfect person

I need celeb photo for a Movie Maker presentation im making for my novel?

I am writing a novel and im making a Movie Maker presentation for fun and I need a picture of a messy blonde haired teen celeb to represent one of my characters, (Ian or Luke, I still haven't decided) Can anyone help me? Thx :)

My cat ate 3 multivitamin tablets, will it harm him?

You should IMMMEDIATELY call the ASPCA poison control hotline: (888) 426-4435, or else call your vet. Some human doses of some vitamins MAY be toxic for cats, and you need to find out how to proceed.

A problem that needs to be solved?(BULLIES)?

calm down. relax, take a few deep breaths. concentrate and maybe write the events as they happened on a piece of paper. this way, you don't forget any of the details. i think you're very brave and good for you, you need to stand up for yourself! i don't think its possible for the teacher to have had their mind 'somewhere else'. they probably just wanted to ignore what was going on. you really should report that to the principal/ coordinator. tell them that you feel threatened by that student, he's very rude and commanding. make sure you stress that you don't feel safe when you are around them, maybe you can add that the whole thing makes you so uncomfortable you think about it even when you are at home. it distracts your studies. this student should NOT feel like they can boss anyone around. every student should feel safe and comfortable around school! good luck :D! also remember, it's NOT normal to be bullied. don't let anyone tell you that bullying is a normal part of growing up. if you feel uncomfortable around anyone or anything, you NEED to speak up for youself....and remember that in the process you might be helping others who feel the same way but are to scared to say anything :D

Do you think these names sound good?

I think I like the first names in each list. Skyler May is definitely awesome. And the boys names are harder, but I think I like Simon James the best. Either that one or Emmett James.

Y&R- Why can't we have a 'normal'....?

You really have been keeping track. I guess the writers think if it isn't dramatic,the viewers wont be interested. This RH factor is serious and then we have Malcolm and Sofia's marriage. No matter who the father is,it's facing a major stumbling block. Right now,I'm hoping it is Malcolm's baby,but I'm not sure that will end Sofia's problems. She really is a nice lady. She just got caught up in the heat of the moment. Neil should be confronted about his actions too. It does take two.

Best friend or Boyfriend?

hey im going out with this guy who my best friend hates and she bugging me to dump him. i don't know what to do as it driving me crazy??? i think she likes him as well because she always flirt around him even though she hates him, i don't know what to do??? Should i dump him because she my best friend that ive know for 12 years please help xxxxxxx

I need help trying to find out who was trying to scam me? I only have an email address that he used..?

I met this so called individual online. He said he found me on facebook. I have been searching online on ways to find out where this email was actually coming from and everywhere I turn I have to pay just to find out and turn this person in and perhaps stop him from cosing real harm by scamming someone else. Thank you.. Bobbi

What do you think of these names? Thanks!?

Olexa is the last name people! I have seen the following spellings and I believe they can be for a boy or girl. Aaden (my childs middle name), Aidan, Aiden, Aden (more so the sea), Ayden, Aydan, - I love it as a middle name but as a first name hard on a child as there are so many spellings-

I want to get rid of my quietness and shyness. Help please?

I think it's natural to be quiet in environments that perhaps you're not totally comfortable with. You have said that you don't really like the people that you're talking about, so why make the effort to change? It seems to me that your heart has ruled the area to which you are most comfortable. Find people that you are most talkative around rather than changing needlessly.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Please help me (self harming)?

mate this might sound harsh but just grow a pair go to the doctors get sorted out go to party's get pissed like other 18 year old and just have a good time and do stuff you like maybe out door stuff

What XBLA game should I get?

What XBLA arcade game should I get? I already have Lara Croft GoL, Shadow Complex, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Super Meat Boy, Banjo Tooie, Crash Course, Harm's Way, Aegis Wing, Castle Crashers, Splosion Man, Hexic HD and The Misadventures of PB Winterbottom.

My friend says he likes...!(please help) i would like honest opinions?

alright so i know this guy for about 6 yrs..... recently we have been closer friends then normal. he has this thing to give hugs. he always wants to give me bear hugs and enjoy them :) he might also take my ipod and he would say that i wont be getting it back till i give him a nice big hug :P i unfortunatly only see him once or twice a week :( but we text a lot. he's 3 yrs older than me but we're great friends :) so lately we were texting and we started the long conversation of 'so who do you like'? after a very long long looooong conversation i told him that i liked him and he said he liked me too :) this all happened about 2 weeks ago. so yesterday i saw him again and we were just talking and stuff. when we text we use a lot of :) :P ;) and xxxxxxx. i really like him but i'm not to sure if he likes me or not :( he's unfortunately doing exams lately so i cant text him when he's studying. we havent told anyone bout this and we promised eachother that we wouldn't tell anybody. When i got a a chain mail from my friend (who's a girl) that says i love you, i sent it onto my male friend. when he saw it he asked if i ment it and i said yes and he said i mean it too :) I just want to find out what you think of this... please leave a comment and your honest opinion :) xoxox thanks xooxxoox

Why are people so obsessed with losing weight?

Everyone wants to be attractive. If your face is ugly.. get a buff body.. that's what goes through peoples heads.

What can kill someone with a very small amount?

So, this is from my own bored, strange mind when left to wander. Don't worry, I wouldn't harm any one else with it. I wouldn't harm a fly! I was just wondering what substance (when ingested) can kill a person very quickly (within a day or quicker) with a very small amount (like, the size of a pill). Any ideas? Also, how does it kill them, how painful would it be, would they be concious for the entire (or a good chunk) of the time?

How to tell if you were sexually abused as a kid?

You should probably go to a psychiatrists and they will help you to unlock memories you may be repressing in your childhood. I feel most of those things in the list, but that's because my mom gave me up for adoption when I was 5 and I've felt abandoned ever since, so I think a few things could cause these feelings other than been sexually abused. Its best not to dwell on the past, even if you were sexually abused when you were little, you shouldn't get caught up over it and try and enjoy your life. It was in the past and you don't remember anything about it, so just try and be happy. =)

Is this a good cover letter?

Hi there, I like this cover letter - Its written by you so it is personalised. If you are after feedback, I would be happy to recieve this if I was a employer. You may not have to say you live exactly XX Miles away from XXXXXXXXX. Re-word maybe: (The schedule stated on the job summary works with me, I live close to your warehouse premises so would be okay with working overtime and weekends if needed.) Something like this maybe? Good luck with the job hunt - Hope this feedback helps

What would you do in my shoes?? help me out please!?

so basically this whole group of disgusting looking guys came and asked for my number and verbally forced me to give it to them. So i thought there was no harm and gave it to them. But one of them is really desperate and is texting me like every half an hour. I hate desperate guys so I've been ignoring him. What would you do?? :S

Have you ever self-harmed in a rage?

There was recently an incident in which my mother was yelling at me and I got so hysterical that I just had to cut. I ran into the bathroom, grabbed the razor, and Immediately began cutting my upper thigh quickly and violently, and as deep as possible. I didn't even press it against my skin and glide it across slowly as I usually do. I just very quickly pushed down and cut quickly. I got about 15-20 cuts out of the incident. My whole upper thigh swelled and I couldn't even walk the next day because of the pain. It's been nearly a month and a half and they are still a deep red color although they have healed over and gotten long past the "scabbing" stage. I am currently a week free of self-harm, but was wondering if anyone else has ever violently cut themselves as I did in a rage?

Please i need help with paranoia and anxiety and life?

You need to relax and calm down I'm jus like u me and my gf are 17 were getting ready to gt married and she has lied to me In the past but I've forgiven her a million times over so think a out it would your husband want it if u were mulling over this wouldn't he want u to be happy he's forgiven you and now I've got a question fr u is it a good idea to gt married this young I want to talk to u bout it if u will plz email me at thanx but remember move on you'll do fine youll calm down jus relax z d breath listen to your heart and see that heforgives you

Biology homework help pleasee :-)?

The bacteria in the raw sewage respires, using the oxygen from the river, This would give a small dip in oxygen levels.

Is this guy still into me, or should i give up?

play hard to get i don't know but guys these days get competitive so start flirting with more guys maybe your guy will get off his a** and pursue you

My parents don't really have any right..?

Save a copy of this and read it back to yourself in 20 years. Maybe you won't repeat your parents' mistakes.

How to get spray on tann off?

i have put on that L'oreal spray on tan crap and today is sunday and i want to remove it before i go to school tomorrow because everyone will take the piss out of my legs, arms, and face. BTW. ITS FREAKING BLOTCHY ON MY LEGS. its streaky, i have HUGE gaps missing from my arms and my face makes me look like i have some weird illness. :/ anny help on how to remove it? xxxxxxx

Any hookers providing services at their residence?

I have a history of psychological issues and it's better that than harm somebody, which is the way it's heading. Serious and helpful answers appreciated.

What do you think of this story idea?

I can't really answer, because it seems like only 1/2 the plot is there. Could be good, could be bad. Depends on your writing skills

What happened on Pretty Little Liars whe Ian felt down in the church trying to kill Spencer?

Ian try to kill Spencer on a church but when the police check out they didnt find his body...what really happened there? did A took the body? someone is helping him fake his own death? why Melissa lied about it ? is he really dead?

What is your opinion on gangsters?

taking up for a friend is okay but once you start the real gang **** like murder, shooting up folk houses hitting anybody with a bullet then thats a punk move i think gangs should not exist

Ian Somerhalder & Nina Dobrev are a real couple?

I think it is awsome. Never thought it was going to happen tho, but it is awsome they look cute together. what do u think?


I'm sorry but there was a mistake and your order was shipped to America, I sent a new leggings for you and here is the tracking number (xxxxxxx)

I need help with hair removal, my legs are really ithchy all the time, someone help plzz!!?

do you see a dermatologist for your exzema? if so, they can probably provide better insight on what would be good for your skin. NAIR hair removal for sensitive skin worked for the women in my family that have sensitive skin.

When do infants recognize/miss one steady caregiver?

I'm writing a short fictional story set in a historical orphanage. I'm trying to figure out how I should have the orphanage organized (I'm not looking for how they were organized in real life, I'm making up my own for this story). Anyway, I was curious what age the kids would start to realize that there was not one steady caregiver. When would it be important for the people to be steady in their life for long periods. Like a newborn might not notice if they were taken care of by multiple people (I'm not saying they can't recognize, but that it doesn't bother/harm them to have multiple caregivers instead of one steady "mother" figure). What age do you think kids would need a steady person to maintain a sense of stability in their life?

Looking for music video?

i am looking for a music video i watched years ago, i remember the is this old drag queen removing her makeup in a dark room and the lyrics has "so xxxxxxxxxxxx so xxxxxxx so xxxxxxxxxx"

Harmful Sharpie Tattoo?

I really want to get a dark mark tattoo for the premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, but im only twelve so I can't get a permanent one, and i only want it for a day so no henna. If i use sharpie will it affect my skin or harm me at all??? If you know of anywhere that I can buy a temporary dark mark tattoo or any other suggestions, please answer!!! Thanks in advance

Which bag would be more suitable for 6th form?

Ok so I really like the flower print day bag, this would be the best one to look at, but also the saddle bag in the flower print thats nice to and it looks like a type of study bag to so thats good. im also in sixth form and ive got like an oversized type of handbag like the day bag.

Is it bad to use pc I'n the dark?

Well I got astigmatism and I wear my glasses anyways will using my pc I'n the dark with the brightness all the way up give me glaucoma or harm my vision even more?

How can you go from gingery brown to blonde?

You will need to apply an ash blonde with green undertones, no more than 2 shades lighter than your hair is now. The ash will counteract and red or orange during the lightening process, then, apply highlights with to achieve a light blonde color. If they turn out too yellow you will need your hairdresser to put on a blue based toner or demi permanent color. Your best bet is to get a hairdresser to do this for you though. Good luck!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Had a large ingrown and attempted to pop it, however all the puss released inside my body. Is this bad?

Instead of the puss coming out (like normal) I felt it pop on the inside. Could this harm me in anyway? I attempted to google this, but couldn't find any info. Thanks

How do I add my own background image on Tumblr?

I am using the theme 'Next Saturday' by Ian Mintz. Also, when I go to customize my blog and click 'Theme,' the custom HTML already shows up and I don't know how to get back to looking at all the different themes.

Is British actOr Andy Serkis now typecast as an ape?

He was also ships cook in king kong and played dad in a family of pirates in a short lived bbc kids comedy from 15 years ago. He was also gollum in LOTR, he's a dying breed of actor a proper character actor. He can play anything or anyone, just happens to be good at apes.

Exercises for people with sickle cell?

I have sickle cell and because of this i'm not as active as other kids and i've been putting on some extra weight. I asked my doctor about the kind of exercises that I could do without causing myself harm but she wasn't sure and suggested I do some research on the subject. Does anyone know of some exercises that I can do without aggravating my sickle cell that will help me lose weight?

What to wear to an under18s disco?

stupid question but does anyone know any good sites (in the uk) for clothes that i could wear to an under 18s disco..? im gonna go with my boyfriend so i dont wanna look a mess, just casual but still nice (: thank yuu <3 xxxxxxx

Problems!!! Help Me understand!?

I dont know if it is bad luck, karma or what other term there is, i have been having so many problems. First, I find out i have depression, and anxiety (therapist) and I was only 9 at the time. I hardly want to get up out of my bed and I see really no point in life. I dont remember a time that I was ever happy for more than a few minutes. The day of my graduation, I laughed with my friends and had so much fun, then I chipped my tooth from laughing. First day of middle school I was so excited and energetic, I went to the pool, and I pulled my back muscle, only a year after pulling my stomach muscle.I get a loose tooth every month, and I always have to eat on one side.(i have a lot of dental problems). More situations I couldn't remember...... Fast forward to the end of 6th grade, I was happy and smiling, then I find out my counselor wont be coming back next year, and she was the only person I could talk to. It was only one week since vacation and I WAS relaxed and having fun for a short while. Until a small chip of my tooth came loose and I couldn't eat. Every thing fun has to end in something bad happening for me. My first time on a fun roller coaster, I got extremely nausiated and I almost passed out. On my 10th birthday, my cake got ruined on the way. And, I am only 11 going on 12. I just need help understanding life. For some, they get family members killed, they get illnesses and terrible things occuring. For some they get a much better life. And so many innocent people get killed for no good reason. I think of myself as a nice person. I dont harm, I dont like making people feel bad, and I am the person who does what they are told, and then I am mocked and called a goody-goody. What did I ever do wrong? Or does life just suck like that.

Can taking clonazapam just once while 4 weeks harm my baby?0.25mg?

Yes, you should not be taking medication unless your OB has stated otherwise. And clonazepam is dangerous not only in pregnancy but in the first trimester. You should talk to your pharmacist, it should be label on your bottle to not be taken while pregnant.

My mum keeps me in the basement?

well i come from a inbred family, and im like really retarted, like that kid from harold and kumar. my mum makes me bathe her in the basemen? how can i find new ways to clean her? my name is rebecca blackbeard? and yeah PLEESE HELLLPPP????!!!!!!!! xxxxxxx MWA (L)

Should I keep going up to this abandoned house?

I was jogging a few days ago and I came across this old abandoned house in a neighborhood lot that never got worked on. Its doors and windows are boarded up with wood panels, there are holes in the walls of the house, whatever windows aren't boarded are smashed in and distorted. The garage is filled with debris and windblown things like pinestraw. It's really creepy and that's why I'm drawn to it! There is no driveway so I have to walk through a ton of brush to get there and it's really overgrown. I find pieces of clothing everywhere. It's just really interesting but is there any harm in going up to it every day?

If I dye my hair, how easy will it be to go back to brunette?

For the colors you want, yes, you'll probably have to lighten them, especially for the red at least. The purple could be done without bleach, depending on how dark your hair is exactly, but if you want dark purple you shouldn't lighten your hair too much at all. And yeah it'll be weird to go back to brown, but what I did before was choose the color closest to my hair color and it turned out pretty nice. The dyed hair will look lighter than the natural hair because it's been bleached, but you could also try a shade that's just a tiny bit darker than your natural hair color to even out the brightness, but in my experience the box color I used transitioned well with my roots, it wasn't perfect, but it didn't look bad at all.

Will a smoke bomb kill a field mouse if it is dropped in its hole?

i dropped a smoke bomb in a hole not knowing it was a field mouse hole ( i thought it would be a mole) and i just hope i didnt harm a mouse :(

Does this girl Like me, I need to know!?

I came back from being on a vacation and went back to school, The girl I like was taking to her friend, I heard her friend say" Ian's Back!" And she said " I know" In a perky voice and I could see her staring at me in the corner of my eye. She also sat next to me at lunch every day. I just want to know if she likes me.

What happened when i was playing terraria??? PLEASE HELP?

I was playing Terraria on my laptop, i have an hp dv6-6167cl entertainment laptop if you were wondering, and my computer went into a shutdown mode saying that it was shutting down to protect my computer from any harm. I think the reason why is because i downloaded something and it didnt download right. The only things i have downloaded are Steam, Terraria, itunes, skype, and mozilla firefox. Please help because i want to play Terraria on my laptop but i also dont want to screw my laptop up

Whats the most epic way to die?

assaulting your most hated family member qith a steal bar and fist and running away only to be arrested then escape from the cops let em case ye and then jump into a river would be mine right know =) xxxxxxx.

What's the point of life?

I know everyone says I am so young being only 14 and all, but i don't get what the point of life is anymore . Life sucks I am stressed out all the time and depressed .I know I have made some bad decisions (cutting and eating disorder ) but that's because that's all I have to do in life . I have no life and no one likes me . My parents are hurting because I am hurting which really sucks . All I want to do is cut . My only friends are my therapist and doctors . I know that I don't have the worst life considering that I have two parents that love me but do you guys hallucinate , have to take drugs that change you for the worse and make you lose everyone you love , have bipolar disorder at 14 , have an addiction to self harming that you can't stop , and an eating disorder . I am not fishing for complements all I am asking is why is life so damn hard ?

My neighbor is trespassing on my balcony. What can I do?

if he trespasses call 911. If he threatens call the cops. Get a gun and if he comes around threatening, self defense.


I would suggest Strapless Satin Mermaid Gown Dress Prom Bridesmaid Formal. Classic satin strapless dress with boned bodice, gathered detail on the foldover bust, full length with flared skirt, crinoline petticoat, fully lined, matching satin scarf and optional spaghetti straps included, zip back. Prom, bridesmaid, graduation, evening gown, holiday or formal.

Acholic father , child abuse?

Okay so , I am 17. I live in Maryland. And my father is an acoholic. He has put me and my grandmother through **** over the course of my life. My mother lives in new york for the record. and I dont have a relationship with her. She use to send me cards all the time but he would put "return to sender" and he has custody of me. but Anyway, he still lives here with his mother, (my grandmother) and she has raised me my whole life. He hasn't done anything for me. My father doesn't let me out the house AT ALL. Im always stuck in the house because if i ever leave he threatens to kill my cat. He has threatened to shoot me and my grandmother before and has called us bitches and sluts. Keep this in mind I just recently graduated. and im a good kid. I dont do drugs. my grades are good. and when i turn 18 which is october 13th. i plan to move with my cousins start college and get a full time job.. But I am also concerned bout the safety of my grandmother. Im afraid he might physically harm her when I am gone. This past day i went to the grocery store with my grandmother, and he put me on punishment for 2 months. and then another month for messing up magnets on the fridge. I tried to have a decent convo with him but he just said leave me alone and i dont wanna talk to you. Some incidents were worse and he has punched walls and broken down doors before. Like I said he has lived in this house his whole life. and he has me and my grandmother terrified. he doesn't pay bills but he works. just to buy his beer and cigarettes. Im tired of going through this with him. He never hit me just for the record. but as far as emotional abuse he has done that. he has even made a homemade paddle out of wood and its about a inch long and says "lindseys paddle" I want to get the police involved somehow because im suffering. He doesn't like people coming over here at all. and he has alineated me and my grandmother from the rest of our family and everyone really. I just dont know what to do anymore,, So if you can help please do!! it would mean alot.

Has it gone to far already ?

I don't consider what I am doing to be self harm I mean I am hurting myself but not really badly . I take a shaving razor with three blades and I cut my upper vagina area its more like shaving the skin off which means like reall little cuts they bleed for maybe five to ten minutes but that's it . I don't know if I can stop it's become my life already and I have only been doing it for five months .my mom knows that I cut but she doesn't make me stop because they aren't really deep.Will they admit me to the hospital (my doctors) if I don't stop? And are metal hospitals really like that book impulse by ellen Hopkins?

How do people show how many people they blocked in yahoo chat?

I've seen a few people doing this and they refuse to say how they do it. It says something along the lines of "XXXXXXX has blocked xxx amount of people"

Please help <3 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx?

uh.... was that english? slow down, calm your thoughts, and write that out more carefully. I have absolutely no idea what you are saying.

Where can I find a plastic flamingo?

Well you see, it's my friends birthday soon and she's that random sort! So I was thinking of getting her a plastic flamingo, like in the film "Gnomeo and Juliet". But I can't find any sites that I can trust to use my card with. I live in the UK so it has to be in GBP! Nothing more than �10 will be great! Thanks in advance guys!xxxxxxx

Party Dilemma! please help me?

2nd one i mean if ur friend (from party 1) has done all that too you it sounds to me shes jelouse soo go to the 2nd party

Ian Somerhalder Facts?

Could anyone please tell me a lot of facts about Ian Somerhalder, like even random and fun facts, i just love him <3

What kind of guinea pig is "Charlie the drunk guinea pig"?

ian hecox and anthony padilla from smosh... Their guinea pig. From this video: a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Detonation/compression on motorcycles?

Detonation and combustion is the same thing. Every time the piston comes up the cylinder, once it reaches the top, fuel and air are let into the combustion chamber. The spark plug ignites, causing a detonation of the fuel inside that chamber. Forcing the piston back down the cylinder.

Why ISLAM rose in those region that we view as Muslim majority regions(PAK,AFGHAN,KASHMIR,BAN…

Every religion is to be blamed for it's demise. Be it Islam or Hinduism. Don't you think that a hand full of terrorists are as much to blame for the black name that Islam gets, by killing innocent people the world over. Hindu people harm their own people true, but I have yet to hear of Hindu terrorists destroying important buildings of blowing up planes or planting bombs that kill innocent children and women! So before you generalize, you need to get your facts straight. No single religion is perfect not single civilization is free from taint of evil, including ISLAM! It is sad that a few rotten apples in a barrel, spoil the whole barrel. Islam with it's strict and rigid beliefs, which, dominate and suppress women, and Hindus' with their blind beliefs and traditions which lead to disasters within communities. Oh and maybe you should do some research on Buddhism before speaking out against it, cause for your information, Buddhism is a branch of Hindu religion, just as shia and sunni branches of Islam. So be very sure of your facts before opening your mouth. LIKE I SAID, NO RELIGION IS PERFECT, GOD BELONGS TO EVERYONE OF US, AND WE GIVE GOD NAMES AND TITLES, GOD DID NOT SAY, HE IS ALLAH OR, JESUS, OR ANYTHING ELSE. So lets just love god and each other, because we are all created by him, and the world will be a happier and healthier place, instead of forever arguing, we are better our god is better etc. Do you truly believe there is "their god, and then there is our god" and both are different???? ONE GOD, BUT PLENTY OF NAMES, so call him/her whatever you want and let other choose for themselves.

Who and how are they helping Egypt?

Right well for geography, im doing this assessment and since Egypt is an LEDC(less economically developed country) i was wonderring if anyone (by anyone i mean countries or so) was helping Egypt cos of it and who is? xxxxxxx

Who should I drop in my fantasy baseball team to active Joe Mauer?

That Guy stole exactly what I was going to say. You should definitely drop A-Ram. You already have two all-star third basemen in Longoria and Beltre.

How to be less Insecure about myself ?

I am insecure about my body , my scars , my personality ,ect... I stress and stress about my weight I am a 14 year old girl who weighs 110 at 5'7 . I was called too skinny once and that has made me even more insecure I restrict now to one or two meals a day that are small. I feel so fat and I can't eat in front of people becuase I am afraid that they are watching me eat . I am a really shy person so every thing I do feels wrong for some reason . I am mostly insecure about my scars I have Been self harming for about 6 to 5 months and the scars won't go away . I haven't stopped yet but everyone looks at me like I am a psyco having scars help:(

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

What names could we have for our kids?

Me and my Fiance are now a month engaged. W're not having any kids before the wedding but i'm gonna try experiment this. My name is Kelsey Tapp, and my Fiance is Ian Hales. We want names that aren't so common, but most days some names are getting more popular. Ian's middle name is Joseph and mine is Alana. I guess the names can be similar to ours. I love his little sisters name, Haleigh May. Well, i guess w want something thats common but dropped in popularity. I mean you dont hear the name selby much, or sage, and talon. I just need some help getting me on the road to choosing names. Please give me girl and boy names. The last name is Hales.

Is it racist when a person assumes things because of a person's name?

No, it's not. It doesn't display feelings of hatred for a race, so how could it be racist? It could be considered prejudiced in that it is pre- judging the race of someone before meeting them...

What is the best GHD straightners?

All of them are good, aslong as you do not buy them from china, if your planning on buying them on ebay, ask them for the code to type into the genuine ghd website, as ther are thousands of fakes out ther wich look exactly like the real thing, but break very easily

I’m starting to feel jealous of my girlfriend because my husband is nice with her. what do I do?

May be fancy's her. Be careful. And, tell your husband he is creeping you out and making you uncomfortable. How long have you guys been married? and how old are you guys?

I am 8 days late for my period and am usually regular could i be pregnant i,ve forgotten to take my pill 5 x?

i am 8 days late for my period i am usually pretty regular but i have been suffering chronnic heartburn and im more tired ,tearfull and moody than normal i,ve not much of an appitite i,ve taken 2 hpt after 5 days of me being late but both were negative so im going to make an appointment with my gp and request a blood test as this is unusual for me as im NEVER late and through all 3 of my other pregnancies i was always late or missed my period altogether so wish me luck all xxxxxxx

Going through a foreclosure, what does this mean?

No the lenders are not in a hurry to have the house empty. They don't tell you a date until they have a buyer

What's the point of CBeebies 'Lets Celebrate'?

Yes but please remember madam that there are muslims, sikhs, jewish and hindu communities in the United Kingdom... It is just an educational show teaching children about other religions... I presume you have no problem with that? Your not a racist are you?

Will my hamster be harmed?

my hamster is on a high table in my play room and i found 2 earwigs i found them in this bin were i keep all her stuff her treats were sealed in there bags and her food was in a airtight container and nether were harmed(i empty them out and checked) but i have heard from other peoples questions that they can eat my hamster alive and lay eggs on her. is this true?will she be harmed?and how can i get rid of them? they do freak me out so nothing were i have to touch them please thanks for all your help

I cut my hair! help me now!!?

lol. i cut mine the other day also. Opps. =/ MInes curly so it looks shorter then it is but its at my shoulder. very stupid mistake. Lol. =S and put it in a bun.

Could someone please invite me to google+?

I really want an accout my email is I know users have an overkill amount of invitations so please spare one :).

I seen a spirit or entity what to do?

i no people will think nuts! but last nite i was on my pc then suddenly i felt my bed sink in as if some one had jumped on it!.. i looked up and could see like a greyish transparent cloudish thing! people will think i am crazy but it was like a water ripple in thin air!!! it felt like it went over me my hairs all stood up all over my body i went freezing cold!.. however it didnt harm me i was just a bit freaked out!..

For Smosh fans: Ian or Anthony?

My friend and I have different views on which we like better, but I was just wondering what your opinions are? It doesn't have to be just looks. Any categories will do :) thanks!

I dont have any friends, what should i do?!?

lately i feel like i have no friends, there are the people i hang out with but no im really close to. they only seem to invite me to the feild at school so there not lonley or somethig! there is about 9 of us they hag out in two's ( the same two each time) like best friends ian i dont have a best friend! i got close to one girl in the group and she invited nme on hols with her but she is a social climber so im not cool enough for her and we dont even ag our any more so it wouldnt suprise me if she uninvited me on her holiday! Then the 'new' girl i was close to and just the other week she pulled me aside and asked me to go to her sister party with her and i said yeah sure , she said i will sort out the details at school! then today on face book she had wrote on this other girls wal... did you get my text , van you come to my sisters party! i was really upset. and its not like i dont try to be friends with them, i have then over for tea and sleepovers! i have cried so much over this all i want is a firnd to be close to i just want to be able to confront them and say why did you do that? why did you ignore me ... and so on! Also they never wait for me after class even if our class rooms are next door!!!.

How are Ultrasound and X-Ray imaging obtained?

The way i understand it, they scan things in "lines"... the scanning beam rapidly goes back and forth, creating the image one line at a time - like a vacuum-type of television!! Each line is transferred point by point (pixel by pixel...) to the screen. The whole process is very rapid, so your don't notice that its been done one line of data/pixels at a time!!

Survey: What are your favorite tv shows?

I like Death Note, Bleach, Family Guy, South Park, Tosh.0, Community, The office, My name is earl, Malcolm in the middle, that 70's show

How to pay a flight via WizzAir?

You chose to wire transfer the money to them. Simply bring this information to the bank and they will handle it for you.

Self harm no one cares why's it not something people discuss?

Basically A few months a go I cut my arms really badly and some girls at school found out (it wasnt the first time but it was the worst and most noticable), but i didn't know they told anyone. Last night at a sleepover with my mates, i found out they'd told eevryone and my mates had known all along. Why didn't my mates try and help me?! Why's it not something people feel comfortable talking about? and my 'best friend' whos actually a total ***** said 'why would you do that?' but in a really horrid mean voice and no one understands! I havnt done it for a while but knowing something like this is making me want 2 do it again :(

Why do people assume weed is bad?

There have been studies saying its not in fact it may be good for you im gonna go with that not some random people on the internet saying it will harm me because it doesnt.

Belly Button Piercing? =D?

haha, Nah :) you just cover it up with a shirt enless youre wearing your bakini, and they get infected to easy. AND DONT PEIRCE THEM ON YOUR OWN :) TALK ABOUT INFECTION, it is a little sleazy and trashy also

When it is okay to shed this mortal coil?

First off I know I am going to get a lot of "don't do it" "Jesus loves you and so do I", "National suicide prevention line is 1-800-xxxxxxx", and what not. These answers will be disregarded. Here is my background. I served in the military about 10 years ago. I injured both my knees and shoulders. I had 1 surgery already to stabilize my shoulder with no success. My VA doctors have all said the same thing. The only thing I can do is have 2 new shoulder joints and 2 new knee joints or to live with the pain. Due to the deterioration of the bones around the joints, the multiple surgeries have a high likelihood of failure to the point of the doctors saying I am not a good candidate for the operations. I am therefore I am living in constant pain. I wake up at all hours of the night and haven't slept more than 4 or 5 hours for more than 5 years. I am currently on oxycodone, tramadol and temazepam for my pain along with tylenol and ice bags to help with the swelling. I have several doctors and orthopedic doctors saying I cannot work or even attend classes at a college. I have a permanent handicapped placard. I walk with 2 full knee braces and 2 full crutch/canes. Even so, in the VA's vast wisdom, I am only rated at 50% and currently live on just $775 per month. $775 to pay rent, utilities, and buy food for the rest of my life. I have appealed their decision 3 times to no avail. I have no family anymore (due to deaths). Due to my limited mobility and isolated lifestyle, I have no friends. I have no kids or animals to worry about. I spent most of my time resting on a couch in a sort of sitting/lying position as in my bed I hurt too much to even lie down completely. I rarely leave my apartment longer than to check my mail. When I am feeling well enough to go anywhere, I usually donate plasma to earn enough money to buy food. There are months that I have to visit a local food bank just to survive (though the street value of my medication is over $3000 per month- and no I will not sell it). I am forced into the reality that no matter what I do, I am going to be homeless soon as I can no longer afford my apartment. I am tired of the constant pain from my injuries and the reality of soon being homeless. My question is this: Would now be the time to start thinking of going out on my own terms and ending my life? I know most of the answers are going to be that I would be being selfish. What is so selfish about not wanting to be in pain, homeless and hungry? I'm not leaving anyone behind that would care anyways. I am just so tired of living in constant pain and the fear of soon becoming homeless. This is not to mention all the creditors that call because I lived a short while on credit cards (and no- I don't have the money to file for bankruptcy). Again I welcome your answers but don't try and tell me God and Jesus are going to save me or that I need to give it more time. I have given up hope on that a while ago.

My teacher and my friends relationship... WEIRD! PLEASE READ! :(?

The best thing to do is to tell a faculty member. See how that turns out. I dont think you should even stay friends with them. They're not even friends. (just my opinion). Good Luck!

Is it bad for a 12 year old drink coffee?

There is no life threatening harm to coffee drinking but... due to your young age too much exposure to caffeine will stunt your growth and you will significantly slow down the speed of how you grow. (i.e.. hright) So maybe get caffeine free of drink less to make sure it does not happen! =D

Ahhh help.. friends? ;'(?

try bringing all your friends together and telling each other the truth , then try and resolve your problems like friends should , good luck xx

Can one cycle of steroids cause permanent damage? [Please read]?

One cycle will not harm your body, but trust me, if you are taking real steroids you will make gains in only one 6 or 8 week cycle, but as soon as you get off them you will lose all your gains pretty darn will just make you want to get back on the advice, look at your diet and see if you can eat more calories while cleaning up any "bad" calories...

I want to ask him out But how?

I think he does like you! His sister even says you should ask him out. Get his sister to arrange a date for you and him if you think he wont reply to your text message!

How do you do a messy bun?

What i do is... put your hair in a ponytail, TEASE the heck out your ponytail (use hairspray!), and scrunch it up in a messy ball in your hand, put in the second ponytail holder, hairspray it down, and BAM!


yeah , when i was fifteen [ now seventeen ] is was obsessed with justin bieber , our birthday is on the same day actually lmao but i eventually got over him but it did take me a while , now im INLOVE with tom felton x

I don't get my ex, what should I do?!?!?!?

I think you should decide what you really want. If choose one, you might hurt the other, but try to make make the best decision for you. Your ex did a mistake, not a huge one though. From my personal experience i know that it's hard to forget when your boyfriend has cheated on you, but my occasion is totally different, believe me. Since he's really regretted it and you say he's not a "player", that shouldn't be a problem. The only thing you should think about is who of the two you really want. And stick to that one. Good luck! :)

My number, Blackberry!?!?

when you go to the dialing screen on a bbCurve, it usually says your number at the top like - my number- O7..., but mines is not doing that!, I have the settings to show my number but still not working,HELP PLEAsAE!xxxxxxx

Does it sound like I have thrush?

It could be thrush. However, the burning sensation suggests cystitis. So perhaps you should see your doctor to determine exactly which medication you need. A thick white discharge is fairly normal for young girls. If it doesn't smell you are probably OK. However, your doctor will confirm all of the above.

Hopeless.. Hurting.. I need some help..?

I have experienced this same situation with minor differences. My parents are divorced and I'm always home alone so it was hard to want to do anything. I also don't have a ton of friends and school was stressful with advanced courses and sports. The way I got over things was trying to feel good about myself again. I tried to get in better shape, do better in school, and be closer to the friends I had. Slowly, I stopped feeling as depressed. You said that you want to study art and music, start doing hobbies that you enjoy and relate to your future. I know, this probably sucks to hear, but you need to make your new future, without this person.

Inhaling shampoo while pregnant?

I'm 36 weeks pregnant & my craving is mint. The smell & taste of mint I love it right now. I have a mint scented shampoo & I will go and open the bottle & breathe the smell in a few times a day cause I'm so obsessed with the smell right now. Will it harm the baby if I'm inhaling the smell of the shampoo?

Fantasy Baseball Help..?

first thing, get with the times son you should have a yahoo team not one on espn, especially when your on yahoo asking for the looks though hitting is a problem you could us an upgrade pretty much at each guess is your about 5th or 6th in the league.....and at this point i think its prolly to late to make up enough ground needed to win the i would just cope with what you have and make due.....all the best on next season, hopefully your league will be rolling on yahooo......

How can people love to club so much? ( PS this is not an insult just share your opinion)?

I don't go to clubs just looking to get laid. I go for the music and to dance. Well, and the drinks. And I don't go to raves for the drugs, I go for the amazing techno/trance music. For me it's just all about enjoying the music and having a great time out with friends.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Are these harming my pea plants?

Weeds take the food away from your peas. If they're large weeds, you might not want to pull them up, because you might pull up the peas also. What we do is, take a pair of cutters and just snip off the weeds close to the ground.

How to be a girly girl?

There are plenty of girly girls who have black hair - what about Katy Perry, Vanessa Hudgeons, Natalie Portman .... but if you are not naturally girly you can't force it, then you would be fake and not being yourself.

Will smoking 3 or 4 a week harm me?

Every friday i go out with my mates and we have a few cigs each, basically social smoking, i try not to have anymore any other time but will this harm me?

What do hobo's smell like?

i have been wondering what they smell like, i bet they wear calvin cline boxers please i want to know, i am doing my work project about hobo's please help me? xxxxxxx

What would your kids names be?

Jason Shay and Maya Elleehh not a fan but i really like the names Annabelle May and Lucas Ace so if i could just mix up some stuff i would be all set :)

Can Incense harm your lungs?

I've started using incense because they relax me. Will they have the same affects as second-hand smoke?

Best way to spend $10?

I was about to say something like going out for a nice dessert but when you mentioned reading I realized that it's the more constructive and enriching way to spend your $10. FYI, I'm a fan Malcolm Gladwell after reading Blink, so yea.. any of your books above would be a wise way to part with your money.

Clinque superfit (honey) DISCONTINUED!!!! total nightmare. can you recommend another yellow based foundation?.?

I sometimes just end up starting on sale and sampling several types. Do what fits your situation and I bet your instinct will be correct. I read reviews at

Im having an operation soon Im so scared if I wake up halfway through it its on my back im scared help!?

I have really bad curvature of the spine and Im having an operation on it where they cut my back open im 13 years old and Im apsolutely terrified! Please help me what if i wake up halfway through it?! Please if you guys have any experience with operations I need your advice to reassure me:( Thanks guys:) xxxxxxx

Would this be ok to do?

that would be weird. just treat it like any other day, she probably doesn't want to even think about it. You should just be a good friend and be there for her if she wants to talk about it or you could take her out for a fun day on the town to help get her mind off of it.

How to make my teeth straight ?

my 2 front teeth stick inwards and i heard ( in my situation ) if you put a finger behind your teeth and push them outwards for a few minutes everyday they will eventually get straight .. is this true and if not have you guys got any suggestions of what i could do at home .. thanks xxxxxxx

Shops in london??????????xxxxxxx?

soon ill be going on a school trip to london to the house of commons and after were allowed about 2 hours shopping tome and i was wondering what shops are around that area preferably within 25 mins walking distance, some of my friends want to go to jack wills and abercrombie and fich but i looked on google maps and they are nowhere near eachother so can anyone tell me how far thay are and where is hollister and new look etc thanks x

Help with writing a poem?

Well, I've been writing poetry ever since i was like 7. So, here's my advice. You can write about something that really interests you, like a hobby, or you could even write about something that is happening in your life right now or has happened. You could write about how that is making or has made you feel. You could write about a past relationship, or even a current relationship. All i can say is good luck and i hope that you get a good grade :)


If this is a serious question, (because with these grades I am sure one of your teachers will have talked to you and will have told you already) then you need to work harder, these grades ar not good.

Was it just a kiss? Please please help!?

A guy at work who I have been fond of for a very long and I went for a drive on Tuesday and ended up kissing more than once. he have it all the sweet talk and said how much he liked me blah blah blah...BUTTTT, a few months ago we sent flirty messages back and forth and went out but nothing happened only to find out he had a girlfriend?? so he led me on and then dropped me like a hot cake....we stayed friends, but now hes single this happens?!? was it just a kiss or more? I definatley have feelings but he has just come out of a long relationship? whats going on? At work today we didnt talk about it, only briefly seen each other and it was all smiles and work chit chat? please help xxxxxxx

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Does creatine have side affects or harm you ? ?

Hi I'm 17 I recently started taking creatine supplements I take 1 scoop after I go gym in 17 and heard a rumour that it has long term side affects should I stop taking it ?? Help please !

How should I deal with a friend whose making a very bad decision?

Give him a chance and try to understand her since he's your friend. You can make him take the right path. Do not talk to him about this again but it's really your choice. I suggest let him decide this one and realize it all by his own.. Stay friends with him and if his decisions annoy. Try not to make it your business and find other hobbies. You can't do anything.. Though you tried. That's all that matters.

Black mold problem possible clean?

You have been in the apartment and have no adverse affects, Right ? All mold starts with moisture.. Spray the mold with bleach and after the liquid is dry remove with a soft bristle brush. The bleach will kill the mold and the brush will help remove the leftover. You can also use a vacuum with a bristle brush. If there are no water leaks above you the moisture may be from when you take a bath. Make sure the exhaust vent works. If you have no vent leave the door open to help remove all moisture. If the ceiling is wet before you run the water have the management find and repair. Good Luck

What is a safe distance a yorkie terrior can jump without harming there bones?

I convinced my dad to get a dog and were getting a yorkie, but I heard they have frigile bones, so is it safe for them to jump off a bed or do they need help

What do I do about my friend who always talking about death, harming the body, etc.?

Yes. It seems like she is very obsessed with pain and death and she really should go to see someone.

Can insects harm turtle eggs buried in the wild?

They are usually okay in the wild. I think it helps being incubated but it doesn't really matter. The turtles know what they are doing.

Is breast intercourse the safest (from diseases) and most hygienic?

it can be fun with the right partner and it does not hurt if there is some form of lube.and it is a good way of not getting something.

Ramadan: What do you think of this man?

Pious people are the most boring pointless creatures on earth. Religious people are ignorant hypocrites. The man you describe sounds like a typical muslim man to me. The very worst of mankind.

Where should this story go?

I like the second suggestion. I think a good twist would keep people interested. Give the readers small hints of the twist, bit by bit. separate them until one of the characters figures out the twist.

Changing a child's name?

Well at five years old you can easily change his name and he'd get used to the new one (my parents have done that frequently, and tho I don't like the idea it's worked fine and the kids don't even remember being called by anything else) but if you left it the same, just make sure you start calling him by a nickname NOW so he can get used to it. But if you want to be part of the naming, but don't want to confuse the kid, just change the middle name (my parents just changed my middle name so they could take part in "the naming process" and it worked just fine:P) hope that was at all helpful:)

Do I have Bipolar Disorder?

I also do not think this is bipolar disorder. Though I do think you had depression and have come out of it.

Consequences, Character, Moral Rules, Actions in limb amputation?

i read a book called island many years ago about a future time. people were have quad amputations and had to be totally cared for. now you say it has come to pass.

Is every single word actually also a word for a number we don't know about yet?

Yes, you are mistaken. All numbers do have a name because they already use conventions that express numbers just fine. Furthermore, numbers express a mathematical expression not a name.

What is your opinion on cosmetic surgery compared to plastic?

Cosmetic surgery and plastic surgery are about the same. The difference is that one might need plastic surgery for an injury or birth defect. In that situation it wouldn't be considered cosmetic since it's medically necessary.

How do i get music from my laptop to my iphone?

when i plug my iphone into the laptop this thing pops up for my phone pics and i want to get my music from laptop to iphone with out any download HELP tnkx xxxxxxx

How to talk about self harm?

im 11 and im in that stage right now bt i feel too young too be there yet my bestfriend sed that too and i trust i tell her everything and apparentalyy she hasnt sed a word so i told her all my feelings and problems now im getting through it bt still need more time to make me forget about all ive done

Help, lip product problem?

Yesterday I bought this lipstick looking thing. The brand is "sheenē" I bought it because the casing looked extremely cute. I opened it and it was like a white colored lipstick shaped lip balm: When I put it on, my lips turned a light hot pinkish color. I loved the color. It acted like a lipstain because it absorbed into my lips and stayed on for 5hours. Now I'm trying to get it off but a bit of color is still on my lips. Is this bad? Is it going to harm mylips? And will it ever go off? And was the product I bought lipstick, lipstain, or lipbalm? It seems like it was all 3 ? Thanks :)

Could this mean I might be gay or bisexual?

First if you still like girls then your Bi. Second you should totally tell him. y'all seem to have feelings for each other even if y'all are just realizing how far they go. If anything y'all will end up just being friends seeing as y'all were such good friends to begin with.

I took 11,366 mg of Tylenol and nothing happened to me. Am I out of harms way?

You asked this a week ago also, so when did you take this dose? I would think that if you really took that much tylenol in one sitting that you wouldn't be here typing this at all. It is nearly impossible to take that much as one dose and survive. As for being out of harms way, if you took anything above the recommended dosage you could be putting yourself at risk for death, coma or organ failure. I would seriously seek medical attention instead of posting this on yahoo answers. No one here can diagnose nor treat you.

Is Leaf a weird name for a 17 year old male character?

Well Leaf is a little goody in a way (not trying to be mean) maybe if you considered another name you could always make your own spelling to make it unusual (it seems like your looking for an unusual name) or maybe spell leaf as lev or leve

Best way to lose weight i had a baby 6 months ago i eat alot of sweets but i allways have iv tryed?

slimmers world but it just didnt work atall iv tryed cutting out all sweets things and junk food for a few weeks but only lost 1 pound i have 10 pounds to lose but it just seems inpossible can anyone help thankyou xxxxxxx


HEY GUYS! im so happy after finding so much AWSOME info on making toast just woundering who else shears my love of toast :D XXXXXXX

I feel as though I don't deserve to eat?

It's kind of hard to explain but almost every time I've had something to eat in the last two or three months I've been getting a really guilty feeling inside telling me that I don't deserve the food in front of me. I think it may have something to do with a deeper rooted feeling I've had for years that I'm worthless and only cause more harm to the world then good, and I would rather just give my food to starving children in Africa and let myself starve since they could probably make better use out of their lives then I will mine. Is feeling this way common/normal? Could it be a symptom of something like depression/anxiety disorder? I've got a lot of other problems making me think I probably have some kind of disorder, but that's for a different question... Sorry for wasting your time.

Mark 16:17 & 18 There will be signs for true believers and among the signs:?

Read the New Testament and you will find proof for this. Let me ask you a question... what if for today it isn't literal it's figurative, it's symbolic... i firmly believe the snakes are the powers and principalities that we war with (ephesians 6) and the poison is all the different doctrines among the Church that go against the Bible, all the religious crap that goes on in the Church. Christianity isn't just a religion. It's a relationship with God, and it actually means Christ-like, but we as the Church today as a whole epically failed on that one, but there is still a remnant...

Which trade should i do in nba 2k11 steve nash trade?

Trade Nash to the Magic. Gilbert is a very good player in NBA 2K11, so the trade will be beneficial for your team as well as the Magic. Nash usually retires after the first or second season, so even if Nash is better than Arenas, you will be able to have Arenas for a much longer time. The trade is also good for the Magic, because Nash is a better fit with Howard. Howard needs a point guard who is a great passer and shooter which is exactaly what Nash is. Furthermore, Nash's lack of perimeter defense won't be a big deal on the Magic since the Magic have the best shot blocker in the league inside.

How can manage my hotmail account to stop sending automatically these kind of messages that i never sent?

yeah, there's a lot of hackers out there. my step dads facebook used to get hacked daily like all the time til he did somethin in account settings

Do liberals really want clean energy or is it a scam?

I agree with the goal of having clean energy, but disagree with the way they're going about it. Change must come from the people, and be driven by the people, not by the government. People in general resent being dictated to by government, and when the government tries to cram something down our collective throat, there will be resistance.

Where can I get a RC S13 coupe?

Anyone know where I can get an RC S13 coupe, preferably with a Silvia front end? Pretty specific, but there's no harm in trying. Please and Thank you.

How much should I sell my DS lite & White Wii for?

I never use them anymore and I'm not sure how much to sell them for? The DS is pink and Wii is White, thhaannnkyyuuuuuhhh xxxxxxx

What are your thoughts on the name "Ian" for a boy?

Ian is the name of my youth minister at the church I go to. He is an amazing person simply put. So this is he of the reasons I love the name Ian. The other reason is because I just love it. I would possibly name my future son Ian, or Sawyer (which is coincidentally the name of Ian's six month old son) or Daniel. I would name him Ian Lucas, Ian Luke, Ian Mark, Ian Gabriel, Ian Noah, Ian John, Ian Paxton, or another biblical name. My favorites are Ian Lucas and Ian Luke. Ian is a wonderful name. I love it!

Is it safe to give my dog a cranberry suppliment capsule?

I am currently using cranberry capsules for my dogs urinary tract infection. She gest repeated infections and I always start with the cranberry before the vet as oftentimes it will clear it up. My dog is about 18 pounds and I put half a capsule (500 mg, so 250 for breakfast and 250 for supper) in her morning food and half a capsule in her evening food. I also make her food like soup by adding at least a cup of water because you also want to help flush the system. If it does not seem to be working for my dog after 2 days, I bring her to the vet for antibiotics.

Is it ok to drink concentrated lime juice?

i bought concentrated lime juice the other day and i drunk maybe about 1/4 of a cup, it was strong and everything, but is it ok for me to drink it? or will it harm me? many people say mix it with water, but i drunk it by itself, it has 0 sodium and 0 calories. is it safe to drink it by itself?

Im bein bulled help please?

They call me a pig. None of the boys look at me. When I was in school today, all the other girls looked so good, with their long hair and pretty faces, skin like angels, and then there was me. Nobody knew my name. They just called me "fat". They didn't say "haha, she's a fat girl!", no no no. They made "fat" my name. People would say "excuse me, Fat, can I borrow a pen?" just like people would say "excuse me, Jack, can I borrow a pen?" it made me so angry. One day I just decided I wasn't going to take this any more. The bully of the school, a pretty girl named Stace, approached me, called me "hippo" and shoved a huge Dairy Milk chocolate bar in my face. I exploded. I shrieked out "I've had enough!" and hit Stace in her jaw as hard as I could. I thought this would be a break from the bullying, but it wasn't. Suddenly, a swarm of about ten boys ran up to me, screaming names like "Gorilla!" and "Elephant!" I just broke down and started to cry. Then the school tough guy, LLoyd, helped Stace up, took one look at me, and slapped me, I wailed out, and then everyone shouted "the whale is calling!" and a boy said "even a whale wouldn't **** that!" I cannot explain how much this harmed me. I ran home. School wasn't over, I just didn't know what to do. At least 5 people chased me, and they caught up with me. They just followed me to my house, screaming abuse at me, while I was crying. Everyone was so heartless. People threw dirt at my house. Just now, I got a text message with two pictures attached, one of me and one of a gorilla, saying "who's who?" as the text. I'm just going to end it all. I am tired of this!!!!! I hate how the media portray skinny girls to be beautiful!!!!!

My friend says he likes...(please help)?

alright so i know this guy for about 6 yrs..... recently we have been closer friends then normal. he has this thing to give hugs. he always wants to give me bear hugs and enjoy them :) he might also take my ipod and he would say that i wont be getting it back till i give him a nice big hug :P i unfortunatly only see him once or twice a week :( but we text a lot. he's 3 yrs older than me but we're great friends :) so lately we were texting and we started the long conversation of 'so who do you like'? after a very long long looooong conversation i told him that i liked him and he said he liked me too :) this all happened about 2 weeks ago. so yesterday i saw him again and we were just talking and stuff. when we text we use a lot of :) :P ;) and xxxxxxx. i really like him but i'm not to sure if he likes me or not :( he's unfortunately doing exams lately so i cant text him when he's studying. we havent told anyone bout this and we promised eachother that we wouldn't tell anybody. When i got a a chain mail from my friend (who's a girl) that says i love you, i sent it onto my male friend. when he saw it he asked if i ment it and i said yes and he said i mean it too :) I just want to find out what you think of this... please leave a comment and your honest opinion :) xoxox thanks xooxxoox

Saturday, August 6, 2011

WHy do they say Ted Bundy is attractive?

I guess it s pointless to assume that all our monster baddies look like ugly monsters but its something that affects us deeply - this idea that beautiful people can be cruel and uncaring as we are so patterned in to giving out to beauty. I just look hom up on yahoo images - Yes he is good looking - as they say handsome is as handsome does.

Period help please?xxxxxxx?

Hi guys,, I'm 12 and a half,, I started my period today and I've told my mum and stuff so it's all like cool and stuff,, but Ima bit nervous on how I should lay down coz I have cramps and stuff,, any advice and tips please ???xxxxxxxxxxxx

Which one thing about the United States of America do you admire most? Which one thing bothers you the most?

Of all the things about the USA, which one is the best in, or the most important to the world, also, which one is the worst, or does the most harm? In you own opinion?

Is it ok to bleach hair after getting it cut?

i am going to bleach my hair but i dont have alot of bleaching stuff. i am getting a haircut tomorrow and what im going to do would allow me to bleach it all. will it harm my hair to do?

Can I take the 'Nature's Secret Acai Berry Body Cleanse'?

Hi, I am 14 and I have heard that these cleanses promote a healthy mind and body, and I'd like to try it, I've read over the label several times, and understand the risks.. but I was thinking if I just cut every recommended dose in half, it will do no harm, considering it's all natural? Thanks!

What do you think of these baby boy names?

Ethan Ray, Nicholas Chase, Ethan Noah, Ryan Elijah, Ian Chase. I like all these names especially Elijah & Chase!

What should i do. need some help?

im 15 weeks pregnant, and woke up with a little bit of brownish blood kinda more like discharge. what should i do? xxxxxxx

O.o Answer please! A re-post?

Well we here are listening to your side of things ,and as it is .. keep walking ! If your not happy ! than you are the one who needs a change

I think my mum h8s me......?

I'm 16 and since my gran (mums dad) died I've really not got along with her. She said I've changed & I'm not the daughter she used 2 hav please help xxxxxxx

How to approach my mom about this..?

So ur sister does eraser burns? and u do to? but u wanna show ur mom that u do or ur sister does. I suppose its u. well my best bet is to stop doing that alltogether. Don't show ur mom, but stop doing it. There is no reason to do that at all. when i was 10 through 14 i was always bullied verbally. when i was 14 i was bullied phisically, because i went to Texas. I just bottled up my anger and weight lifted. And i weight lifted. It gets out alot of anger. I figured that i would go into self tought martial arts by the time i was 15 and in texas, one guy thought i would submit, and i kicked his ***. No one bullies a guy with a reputation. U should probly not talk to the guys who bully you at all. People think it doesn't work but it helps alot if ur reguarded as the silent tough type. however, if ur not into the tough guy mood, just fall back into video games. Take out ur anger by killing people in Black ops. Also I realized that I acted like bs sometimes so i figured if i never responded to anything not said to me directly, then no one would think of me as an asshole and it worked.

Will a monster energy drink harm my baby?

If I'm pregnant ( testing tonight ) will a monster energy drink hurt my baby? as if I am pregnant I'll be 3 weeks along. Thanks(:

What would you do in my situation, with much love involved?

Intimacy helps bring couples closer together. If she is unable to fulfill your need, and is unwilling to attend counseling to help her recover over her issues, then you have to decide if that is the type of life you want. If I were you, I'd find someone else. Taking care of a woman and her three kids, while have no pleasure or romance, doesn't sound like any fun at all.

Can too much medicine harm hamsters?

hi, four weeks ago my two robo hamsters got mites. we took them to the vets and they gave us some medicine that you dab on their skin/fur. we got told to use it two weeks after then, and four weeks after then (today) and i held them while my mum put it on them, and we left them alone. this was about an hour ago and now their fur is still quite wet and they are rubbing against things trying to get it off them. we don't think we have but if we've put too much medicine on them, would it be bad for them/hurt them?

What are some good modern songs to play on piano?

hey, does anybody no any good modern songs , that arnt to hard to play on the piano xxxx thnx xxxxxxx

Im pregnant due in December and need to clean system safely ?

I'm currently on narcotic pain meds can not stop completely due to a needed surgery Id like to detoxify my system for baby and gradually take myself off the meds What can I use to safely detoxify my body of these meds??? Do not want to harm baby of course

How does my job resume look?

You actually have pretty good qualifications - I like your objective and it also helps that you are bilingual. Your resume shows that you have done a lot of volunteer work and are very well rounded. Many fast food restaurants hire workers with no experience at all so you should have a good chance. The wording on your resume looks good - the only thing I might change is how it's formatted. Even just underlining or bold text for your categories would make it easier to follow. Please see the page below from my website. Scroll down and you will see a couple links to other sites that focus on resume writing.

Anyone agree Penrith Panthers look like homosexuals playing in pink?

I know it is for a good cause to help raise money for breast cancer but it is pretty funny watching them play in pink. I can't help thinking they look like a bunch of ******* playing which always makes me laugh. Maybe Ian Roberts should be their coach lol.


Just relax and don't worry about it. You will get popular naturally first you just need to chill and settle down. You can't push it or else you will look bad.

Ive got a friend who's 13 and home schooled and she want to learn french?

Try where you will be able to interact with native speakers of the language, both speaking and in text.

Who wants to help another teenage wastecase?

Im a 14 year old girl and i just dont know what to do with myself. I suffer from OCD, and bipolar disorder. I have a compulsive need to fit in with my peers. when i look and act like everyone else i feel accepted and i feel like im not different which is good. everyone says you should be yourself and be unique but i dont want to. i want to be just like everyone else. i want to be just another brick in the wall. when i was growing up i dressed like a pollack i had the wrong haircut and the wrong attitude. now i try to be exactly like the typical american teenager. but i cant. i dont have the right body (5'9 and 150lbs) the right hair (i have brown and all my "friends" are blonde). i have this best friend who is part of the popular clique. they let me in their group but i still feel like i dont belong. im not really one of them no matter how much i want to be. im going into freshman year in a school with a class of 1000 and my middle school class had 100. i feel overwhelmed. i cant fit in with 100 people ive known for 8 years. how am i supposed to find friends with 1000 people ive never met. im just a wreck and i cant afford to be like everyone else. i steal clothes that i get compliments on and i steal the makeup that hides my grotesque natural features. i had a self harming problem that i pushed myself through. i drink once a week and smoke a cig biweekly. im a mess. just a mess. i have no where to turn (not even god i dont believe in that ****). i just have to figure out how to whip myself into shape. but i just dont know how. ive hit rock bottom.

Can't afford to live!?

Speak to your parents about it. your not a child now and this is what adults face, sit them down explain the problems even mention that self harming if you really have no option...but remember there your parents they wont put you in any harm on purpose mate :)

Who are some players that deserve to make the All Star Game but probably wont make it?

I think Kennedy might make it. But yeah, that is definitely a good list. There are always good players that don't make it because there isn't enough room and the starting lineup is driven mainly by popularity and such. I think there may be a few players on your list that make the all star team, I think Asdrubal will make it because he's probably been the best SS in the AL this season. Joel Hanrahan will also be there, he's been perhaps the league's best closer. It's a shame though, for Starlin Castro, who is in definite risk of not making it. Jose Reyes and Troy Tulowitzski are your likely NL shortstops, but maybe they can fit Castro in there as well.

Friday, August 5, 2011

E'm I super overweight for a 14 yrs old boy? for a 14 yrs old boy?

Okay, I'm now at my 4th year in high school and we will have a physical examination on monday so I'm worried if I'm too fat. In my 1st year it's normal, 2nd overweight, 3rd year normal. I'm 169 cm and 53 kg. E'm I too heavy? And E'm I too short for a 14 yrs old eurasian (chinese/filipino/spanish)? Please be honest.ian (chinese/filipino/spanish)? Please be honest.

Why some woman self-harm when rejected?

my gf has a habit of self-harm..she is divorced....whenever we have a fight she cuts her hand so much so that she needs to see a it an indication of overwhelming emotion and love for me or something else...? why do more women than men has the habit of self-harm...?

DO you think Ian Somerhalder is so shexy!?

OMG YES. When I saw him in LOST. I couldnt keep my eyes of him... Then when he died. OMG I didn't watch the series anymore. :( But yes. He is. And will forever be so shexy.

Is it dangerous to smell cigarette smoke while pregnant?

I don't smell it all the time but today This one guy was smoking in I inhaled it a whole bunch. For some reason cigarette smoke is really strong to me, I was in my car with the windows rolled up and there was a guy far away smoking and I smelt it, and I asked my mom if she could smell smoke and she said no. I guess your senses really do get sensitive when pregnant lol. But anyways, will inhaling some smoke cause any harm to the baby? I'm like a month pregnant so I'm being very cautious.

Spitting after smoking?

The other day I told my friend off really bad because she was smoking lots and I know it's really bad for you!! And she said "It's ok smoking doesn't harm you if you spit after you take every drag. The toxins from cigarettes go into your lungs and back out when you inhale/exhale. It's what's left and absorbed in your mouth that harms you." She lies a lot so I don't know if it's true I mean once she said she was going to come to the mall with me but told me she was ill but she was really with her boyfriend instead!!! Is this smoking thing true? I've had enough of her lies.

What can i do about my 10yr old daughter?at my wits end!?

Sounds like very early terrible teens and at that stage it took me a long long time to learn to turn away and count to ten and then on most occasions ignore her.

How would you politely approach someone to encourage them to wash their hair?

This woman rarely washes her hair and it's so greasy it looks wet all the time. I haven't been able to find documentation that it is harming her health. It's purely for cosmetic reasons. She just doesn't think it's important. What would you say to encourage her (nicely) that it matters to those around her and she should consider keeping it clean?

I know its long, but please...i really need help with this, please...</3?

i think your better off with #2. #1 is good for just dating, like going to a dance or football games ,like most 14 year old guys. #2 is a guy that is emotionally mature euf for an actual relationship. however, u have to at least meet someone in person before u decide whether or not they are the one for you. i would stay friends with #2, but continue to date other guys, bcuz u dont wanna be in a relationship that you never get to be a physical part of. for all u know, #2 could be dating girls in australia. ur only 14. u need to focua on the now, becuz if #2 will really be there forever for you, then he'll be there when ur older and can see each other.

Will this harm my computer - regsvr32 actxprxy.dll?

It speeds up the IE8... and looks good. But why r u taking risk pc ? Use firefox or opera or chrome(best) instead ... quit IE !!!

Religious people, help me out, I still don't get it?

Why do you bother to waste your time on Earth, which is full of discontents and malcontents and imperfections, when you could be up there in heaven, being cradled in the arms of God and amongst beloved friends and family? Why prolong the pleasure? Why seek treatment for illnesses? Why bother to eat or drink or shelter yourself from harm?

Please help me, I REALLY hate my family?

Well, unfortunately, you really aren't able to control your family situation at this point in your life. You just have to survive it. Try focusing your attention on the parts of your life you can control. Get involved in some things you are interested in, and start having fun again. Probably when you aren't so miserable, you will start making friends. It's tough about your dad. Sorry that you miss him, can you call and e-mail?

Should I tell him or not?

i'm basically your boyfriend. i mean, i get VERY jealous about that stuff with my girlfriend as well, but it's because i care about her. i love her and she's mine. she sort of gets the same way about that stuff with me, but not as bad. i would want you to tell me if you were my girlfriend, but on the same card, what i don't know doesn't hurt me. and there are a LOT of things like that that I haven't told her, for this same reason. i don't think you should tell him. it will only upset him. but if you did tell him, i feel like it would strengthen his trust in you.

Name this Smosh video?

PLEASE! Im looking for it, and have no idea what it was called, in the video Anthony had a green suit on and had a van with 'FREE CANDY' on it, LOL, and Ian was Chris Hansen. XD, does anybody know what the video was called? 10 points best answer!

I want an attractive girlfriend who also cool in Connecticut in the next week, age 25 to 32, caucasu=ian?

or hispanic, must like kids. I can meet find hook up no problems, done the online thing, but hey, its yahoo answers, now find me one!

Can you please suggest me a name for my baby boy?

I already have 3 year old Finn Alexander Hendrix Ray Johnson and he'll be soon expecting a little brother (August 15th is due date)!! I like the names, Mason, Hudson Grayson, Noah, Riley. I would say my favorites are Hudson and Grayson but i think Riley doesn't go with Finn! You input is much appreciated ? Thanks xxxxxxx

A very hard question to ask a parent..?

my name is ian and im 12 and..i masturbate i want to tell my parents but i cant cause ill think that they will KILL me or something.. if you have a tip of any kind please tell me.. also is masturbation at 12 normal? *im a boy*

Smosh fans: Anthony or Ian?

Hardest youtube question I have ever stumbled upon.... Well I think Anthony is hotter but Ian has a better personality

Why do Jewish leaders publicly admit the Holocaust is central to their quest of achieving a "new world order?

Seems pretty basic to me, buddy. Learning from the mistakes of the past. Nothing controversial there

Can you mention ALL of your favorite vocalists?

Jon Bon jovi Richie sambora Stephen tyler. David Bryan. Bono. Danny o doneghoe. Axl Rose freddy mercury. Chris daughtry.

Christians: how do you justify a religion that, from its very beginning spawned the crusades?

from the day the book was written, it powered the single largest mass murder in the history of mankind. followers were told staight up that to kill an infadel was not murder, but a path to heaven. sound familiar? the bible teaches us to love our neighbors but says that people that have different beliefs or life choices will go to a place of eternal hell? dont get me wrong, I LOVE GOD, who is the universe and the deeper cosmic identity of myself and all existence, but the bible too obviously teaches intolerance and promotes negative energy towards so called sinners, who many times, are doing no harm to anyone, let alone their own souls. my question is, why promote intolerance? god is EVERYTHING, and LOVE is his vibration always

My husband is obsessed with an online game called Galaxy, help?

I am a newly wed, since my husband and I have gotten married, he has taken on a special liking for an online game provided on facebook. I found no harm in it at first until I see him playing it all day and night neglecting his family and household responsibilities.I spoke to him about this and how it has started to bother me because its interfering with our daily lives..It should not consume him to the point that he can't be with me and our newborn son. Its quite weird actually...So I asked that he just take time to play the game Sun-Wed..But leave Thursday-Sat as just time for the family..I understand everyone needs a time to do what they want, but I thought this schedule was reasonable..He has not adhered to my request at all, and he is continously pllaying this game. My husband is 26 years old I just dont get it.Please help me, because I don't know what else it is that I can do because he is giving our moments, to a bunch of users on an online galaxy game..Please be respectful in answering,if you can't help, dont bother. I only want to hear from mature reasonable adults.

Was the wests policy of initiating coups throughout the third world during the cold war justified?

Look Mr Compassionate they told us they would hang us and we would sell them the rope that they would bury us You Mr Fair Play can take them out to lunch and try and understand them not Americans

Can I go to the doctors about my self harm issues?

You can defiantly go to your doctors, just explain to them that you've been self harming. They'll understand and be completely nice about it! It's a serious issue, and it's great that your seeking professional help!

What is the best XBLA game?

What XBLA arcade game should I get? I already have Lara Croft GoL, Shadow Complex, Marvel Vs Capcom 2, Super Meat Boy, Banjo Tooie, Crash Course, Harm's Way, and Aegis Wing.

What's wrong with my ear?

About a week and a half ago I got back from a Florida vacation in which on several occasions, I got water stuck in my ear, and each time I did a crappy job of getting the water out. After a day or two when we got back my ear started hurting and I didn't really pay it any attention until it became quite bothersome whenever I would scratch my ear and a shooting pain would run through it. I thought it was swimmer's ear so I took some swimmer's ear drops and even though I let them spill out after about 5 minutes of having them in (due to the burning pain they were causing in my ear) the next day the pain was pretty much gone. Another day went by with no pain. And then I think we're to yesterday, when I was cleaning my ears out with a q-tip after the shower. I was going pretty deep in my ear like I always do, thinking nothing of it, but later on in the day and today as well, my ear has started hurting again, this time even more so than before. So I know it's either swimmer's ear, an infection, or I harmed my ear while cleaning it. Which is more likely?

Do you think people who cut themselves are freaks?

No not at all.....Everyone is different and how they deal with pain and so some people rather cause pain to them self's and suffer rather someone else doing it for them

How can israel and the USA be allies after what Pollard did ?\?

Jonathan Pollard harmed the USA in the most horrible way . How can americans concider israel as an ally after that ? no other country has EVER spied on the USA .

How are Ultrasound and X-Ray imaging obtained?

computer software is used to convert soundwaves to images. x-rays are like taking pictures using various levels of radiation

Birth control question ?

I am 15 and was recently put on the pill because of my horrible cramps. It has helped some but I still have cramping during my period. My question is that I am going on a mission trip and my white pills (the pill that let's me have a period falls on that week. I am not sexually active so I have no risk of getting pregnant and was wondering if it would casue me any harm to take my white pills a week early or later so I don't have to deal with it overseas. I have looked everywhere online and cannon find an answer. Has anyone had this problem before? Have you taken your pills early or late? Did you feel funny? Is it safe? Any info will be helpful! I also don't want my hormones to be to wacked out either. I tried to call my doctor to ask but I have to make an appointment to even speak to her

Whats the most epic way to die?

assaulting your most hated family member qith a steal bar and fist and running away only to be arrested then escape from the cops let em case ye and then jump into a river would be mine right know =) xxxxxxx.

Christians: what in your opinion is the most prevalent issue individuals have to deal with in today's society?

I mean sin issue. Which sin do people struggle with the most these days? And which causes the most harm to society in general?

Where does my last name come from?

my last name is barrow somerhalder yes i have the same last name as ian somerhalder no we aren't related he's freakin' hot anyways can someone tell me where it comes from? & what it means?

Infected piercing? How do I make it go away?

i have stretched ears also and my ear would always get infected whenever i skipped a size. the best thing to do is to use a saltwater solution and clean it as much as possible. don't sleep on it and make sure your earrings are clean also. if it doesn't go away you might have to take your earrings out for a few days, but they shouldn't close up all the way if they are only out for a little while. your body is reacting to the piercing as if it were a wound, so it's trying to heal it on its own. as long as you make sure everything is clean, it'll go away in a few days

Should I keep playing hard to get?

I like this boy at my school and every time i smile at him or try and hold his gaze or whatever he just avoids eye contact with me. I thought it was just nothing but the other day he was chatting with my friend, hannah, and i saw this as an opportunity to talk to him (i've never talked to him, cus he isn't in my classes) so i told hannah to wait for me and as soon as i got there he ran of, literately, he ran away and joined the rest of his mates. And the last 3 days i have been playing it cool by not looking at him and just chating with my mates, and now one or two times i've seen him look at me but i look away as soon as i spot him, should i keep this up and for how long? Do you think he is terrified of me or just shy??? xxxxxxx

Are mt cats psychic,very strange happenings?

last week i was in bed,i had one cat on the bottom of the bed then my other decided to join me.ten minutes later they were both staring at the walls like they were watching something,they were st airing at different walls looking right into the wall,looking up at the ceiling ,i got out of bed put the light on thought there might be a spider or something,nothing there put the light off and went to sleep never thought anything else of last night the same happened again with one cat ,she was proper watching something ,jumping off the window on to the bed looking in other rooms looking up at the ceiling,was really weird .i told my husband and son to come and look,by this time she was looking at the wall her ears were right back and her tail was wagging ,she does that when she is angry or mad.i wasn't scared by what happened,it was a very weird experience,as both of my cats were doing it the other night,there was definitely nothing there,has anyone had any experiences like that or any explanations cheers emma xxxxxxx

How should Father dog be treated regarding puppies?

What you SHOULD be doing is calling the vet to spay and neuter your dogs immediately so this never happens again. And keep him away from the puppies - domestic dog males don't play a part in raising a litter and can harm them.

Pointework question(:?

If you are nervous about starting pointe talk to your teachers about it. They will be able to answer any questions you have and give you exercises to help strengthen your individual needs/weaknesses.

Please help. I don' t know what to do.?

I used to self harm. I have been free of it for 2 months. But anyway, My closest friend has been making alot of emo jokes lately. i.e I slipped and cut my arm on a rock and he something like, If I didn't just see you do that I would think you were emo. And wow, I didn't know you were emo!. It makes me angry every time he does it. He doesn't know that I used to actually do it and I don't want to tell him so what should I do?

What should i do for a teenagers sleepover?

i am going to be 13 this year and i want a really good sleep over not like sitting and playing baby games can u help me plz xxxxxxx

Thursday, August 4, 2011

I asked this yesterday but nobody really answered??????????

Just an x? I would be confused by that honestly. xoxo, is probably the more traditional way of showing your affection. And sometimes I don't even read into that so much. You need to give multiple signs that you like him so he knows for sure. I'm a 25 year old man by the way. So I know a little bit about this sort of thing.

My father is emotionally abusing me. I need help ! !?

You should get the police involved, especially since he threatened to shoot you and your grandmother. I'm sorry you're going through this. I can't imagine living like that everyday. Please call the police and get some sort of help before he really does hurt you two.

Do you think it is sometimes better to hide the truth?

In the case of a couple who have been together for 12 years and the wife cheated on her husband once with an old flame. She knows she will never do it again. She asked me for advice and I said it is better to not tell him, all it will do is cause problems and since she has no intention of doing this again I think it would do more harm than good if he knew. They have young children and he is a really nice guy but was not making his wife feel particularly wanted and this other guy flattered her, this is why she did it - she knows its not a good enough excuse but she cannot erase the past. Do you think I gave the right advice?

Zit attack PLEASE HELP!?

I have very sensitive dry skin and usually don't get zits but I have a few very large ones and LOTS of little tiny unpoppable pimples. How can I get rid of these without harming my skin anymore?

Do you think that the Texas rangers will trade Ian kinsler for some pitching?

I doubt it. We have no true 2nd Baseman other than Kinsler, and we'd only get a pitcher if he was an ace. And no team would be wiilling to trade their ace for Ian Kinsler.

What's wrong with our daughter?

well you mentioned that she had sad and troubling events in her past, maybe these are bad enough to make her act like this. it could be that she is just looking for attention, like when she exhales loudly and claims nothing is wrong, when she lashes out at others for nothing or the dramatic change into the "gothic culture". part of this might just be teen angst, like when she is asked to do simple chores and complains. i would suggest that you confront her about her behavior. be kind and understanding to what she says but also be strict and don't let her drop the subject or push you away. she might need to see a counselor to just discuss her problems so she doesn't take it out on everybody.

Pic included.......can these shose makes u look taller...because i already bought them?

It will give you a little bit of height, but not a lot. I am guessing that it is half an inch, but they look like nice comfortable shoes.

Pretty Little Liars: What's up with...?

What's up with Melissa and Jason? After last nights episode, I kinda got the feeling that maybe Melissa's baby daddy is Jason, not Ian. She probably walked over to Jason's house to show him the ultra sound. And I kinda think Ian is dead... So what do you think?

If a Christian believes hell is a real place of injury and torment, then tells a non-Christian they are going? hell, isn't that threatening someone with harm, and isn't threatening to harm someone a crime?

Is it illegal to physically restrain your 15 yr old son for his own safety?

Our son is 15 and has been in & out of foster & group homes because of behavioral issues. He has run away constantly; he has smoked pot & drank alcohol since he was 8; he has experimented with Methanphetamines & Cocaine; he is sexually active. He doesn't go to school, refuses to do family therapy & has threatened to physically harm his father & won't obey ANYBODY's rules! So, I believe his dad & I need to be really radical with him. He also wants to grow & sell marijuana, which his father & I are totally against! I need to know is it illegal, in California, to physically restrain our son to protect him from his out-of-control behaviors & to try to force therapy on him so later in his life, the cops won't be forced to use billy clubs on him????

Are you predisposed to vengeance?

i.e. you go through the hassle of trying to harm someone who has harmed you instead of just moving on. You want that person as miserable as you are or were and act on that want. In your world, two wrongs do make a right.

For Smosh fans: Ian or Anthony?

My friend and I have different views on which we like better, but I was just wondering what your opinions are? It doesn't have to be just looks. Any categories will do :) thanks!

Do you believe in spanking?

this is just a random question that comes to mind. i'm 14 and when i was younger i was spanked quite often. did me no harm.

How deep is a pigs a heart?

i need too know cuz im sick of killing a pig the way i do (shooting it in the head then hanging it upside and slice its throat so its bleeds out)so i think ill try to stab the heart of a pig so it will atomaticly die im a animal lover so im trying to do the quickest wapossible i dont like harming anything i just need to feed my tigers

Do you like this sibset?

I am not really a fan of giving kids matchy names like that.I have to admit I like all the names because of the fact they are all spiritual.I just do not care for the fact they are all matchy.

How do i stop being cheeky to my parents?

show them this question you have sent on yahoo as this shows you are sorry and regret what you have done as for selling your pony i think this is too cruel as the pony loves you just as much as you love him, why not be really grown up and take your parents by surprise and apologise tell them your sorry and think of a different punishment so you can keep your pony good luck

Can you still be straight edge, even if you drink very little alcohol from time to time and never get drunk?

I claim edge, but I don't see any harm in taking sips of wine at a party or something. Is that still acceptable?

Boy issues <3 please help?

I think that the answer to this question would depend on your age and his age. He may just not be ready for physical activity yet. What is the rush? You've only been dating for a couple of weeks. I would recommend waiting until he's ready. When he is, he'll let you know.

Rounding up GPA for high school?

hi,I got into National Honors Society at my high school, and they said we have to have a 3.5 GPA. Ian afriad am going to be cut off because of my GPA. they average my final and midterm grad together and I got a 3.28 and a 3.67 for all four marking periods.Would they Round up the numbers which would a 3.45 and that rounds up to a 3.5?

I think I am depressed?

just listen to your favorite music and do your favorite things. go out with friends and have fun. force yourself to. itll help you remember why you love living. itll help you remember how many people love and care about you.

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

What will be the effect of California's expiration of tax increases?

If a team of the best scientists in the world got together to figure out an equation to fix California, they'd commit suicide. CA is done with buddy.

What would you make of this text?

Okay so this guy I text and talk to a lot almost every night texted me this. "Sorry, I can't go on chat or text tonight. I'm wayy too tired. Sorry. I'll text you tomorrow if I get some free time. xxxxxxx" I don't know if the amount of "x's" he used means he likes me. He keeps increasing the amount he uses every couple of days. I haven't replied to this text which was sent last night and I'm trying to play it cool with him and leave it up to him to contact me again. I don't know if I am angry with him or not, I just don't know where things are going with him and if he likes me or not. Before we were asking each other questions and I asked what makes him happiest and he said "talking to you :)". But as I say he started adding and x at the end of texts and stuff. And he keeps on adding more. Should I just not text him or anything for a while and wait to see what he does. Or and also I have to see him every week cause he helps along side me at a cub scout pack. He drives me crazy and I want to talk to him as much as possible but I think it'd be better to distance myself and wait for him cause I don't know if he actually likes me that much even though he uses 7 "x's" now.... Ughh I hate boys. :(

Despretly need advice please read and answer if you can?

hello I am 30 years old in 2005 I gave birth to frist child a girl weighing 9lbs19oz I was induced as I was a week past my due date when I dialated to a ten I was told to push this went on for 5 hours at one point I told the nurse who was helping me I could not push anymore as I was physicaly exhausted(it took 30 hours for me to reach a 10 and I never slept yhat whole time pluse I was up the night before antiapation the birth of my first child) The nurse said I agree with you i will go and get the dr .the dr was not my regular ob she was on vacation which i wasnt very happy withSo the dr comes in and said really lould and rude "the baby is right there you need to push"!even my husband mom and mother inlaw thaught it was rude.buts thats not all she took a look and said the baby is facing up and needs to be turned so she suggested i get up on all fours to encourage to baby to move I refused and she left the room then the nurse came in with a bar and told me to put my legs up on it I agreed and there I was legs up and in terrable pain my legs were killing me I said get my legs down now so the dr comes back and said "your being uncoportive and slowing dow progression" I damambed a c section and she said we wernt to that point yet the baby can still be delivered.they too the bar away and the dr came back took out forceptd she never told me she was doing this and starting pulling the baby out I said what is she doing the nurse said she is turning the baby with forcepts I yelled no I dont want that!Te dr pulled with such force I was pulled down on the bed she was born and the dr said there was no other option as she was big and mispositioned to come out the birth canal I couldnt bond with the baby because I seffed severe tearing and needed repared I tried to get passed what happened and enjoy my experence then my family comes in I see there upset I find out my baby is getting x rays to chack for skull fractures the peditrition cam in and said she had a frauture and was needing to be in nicu .I took a look at my baby and was horrifyed her head was swelled with bruses.I asked the hosptiol staff why i didnt get a csection no one gave me any real answers waited the next to weeks to take her home pluse we didnt know if she had brain damage now she is five as result from the forcepts she has impared vision and two dents in her head the pedi said it was most likly a result from forcepts improproply postioned on the head.As for my self(which I hve to say I am way more upset about my daughter then my self i would have undergone ANYTHING if it meant she was spared any harm) I have incontince and sexual disfunction.I want to know if I have a case and if I was treated fairly

Who would like a friend? *email included* do not report please? i feel lonely&need a friend.?

Hi, you can email me :) I'm sure I can help you vent and venting can make you feel better. Go to my profile and email me if you'd like.

Is it ever acceptable for wedding guests (family) to ask that wedding photos they are in be destroyed?

I wouldn't feel guilty about limiting the exposure time between your family & the in-laws.they apparentally have some major problems which you can avoid just by staying away from them. They are likely better grandparents than parents. As you can see from their behavior over the wedding pictures. I would not grant their request of destroying the pictures. No one in their right mind would make such a request. Just ignore them as much as possible &dont let them intrude into your lives any more than you have to. Or they'll be making more unreasonable demands.

Twenty cases suggestive of reincarnation free...needed?

If you actually can buy it get it from amazon, otherwise just google it with "free" at the end

What can/should/will Ken Holland do with the Wings remaining 8 mil under the cap after signing Ian White?

I'd be more concerned about defense and discipline, anyway. The team did not look like the Red Wings at a lot of times in the season; you had Salei being slow and turning the puck over (what Detroit was NOT known for), Kronwall never seemed to make the big hits he used to , and the team lacked the dominant puck possession that they are typically known for.

The Ex wife in events!?

I have a good relationship with my ex and we do things together as well. I do think there has to limit as well. We do have some family events separate. Maybe you should try asking your fiance, What is the limit for family events? This is really a touchy subject when it comes to children. I do also think you need a limitations. Talk to your fiance and try to come to some common ground.

What to wear to a Nature park when it is raining?

Hmmm rain... And cold..... They don't mix wel. How bout yOu wear clothes you haven't worn in a while? Like you have a sweater(or something else) that you forgot about? Wear that with a pair of jeans you haven't worn in ages but they still fit. For shoes, wear moccasins or converse.

Pregnancy and natural marijuana cleanse?

Now before anyone begins to jump down my throat, I just found out I'm pregnant today. It was completely unexpected and unplanned; if I had known or if we had been trying, I definitely would not have been smoking. But I have been smoking marijuana almost daily for awhile now. I've heard you can do some kind of natural body cleanse to remove the THC toxins that are stored in your fat cells. Is that true? And if it is, is there any kind that is safe to use during pregnancy, that will not harm my baby?

How can i get big eyes naturally ?

is there any way i can make my eyes bigger naturally .. they are small and my cheek bones stick out so it makes my eyes look even smaller .. or if you can tell me how to make them bigger using make up - eyeshadow - eyeliner - ( preferably black ) and if u could tell me how to apply fake eyelashes .. maybe you know a website or youtube videos or something .. i have looked on the internet and youtube but didnt find a good one .. thanks .. xxxxxxx

How to make sure the doctor gets my letter?

You could try to put ATTN on it. Sad to say that they get a good amount of mail every day. The receptionist probably opens everything. I would at least highlight it.

What song do you want at your funeral?

My health is not great and I am getting life insurance for my grown boys. One of the questions was three song to I wanted at funeral. Personally One is Rascal Flatts, Movin One, Somewhere over the Rainbow by Judy Garland, I have to finishi this pamplet soon and having some trouble. This little book you fell out is the best and not real long. lets you express your happiest moments, stuff to friends, your last requests. Lets face it this world is getting out of hand. Any of us could be here today gone tomorrow. You happen to hit on something I was just filling out last night so thought I would respond. Hope your days are many, yet it never hurts to be prepared. Oh another one was Don Henley from the Eagles, Heart of the Matter. Elton John has some good ones too. My mother is married to a man that is very judgemental and not sure if he is after her money so Have some issues to be in writing about his presence at my funeral